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Endpoint: Leopold Froehlich

created on: 12/05/2021
by: Nathalie (5022)

Person properties

General info :
Leopold 'Lee' Froehlich (born ca 1953) was the managing editor of Playboy magazine.
Originally from Cleveland, he went to grad school for a while in Cincinnati and just decided he wasn't cut out for academia so he moved to New York to pursue a career in writing or editorial. He worked at Forbes for about ten years.
He moved to Chicago at the end of 1988 and has been at Playboy for more than two decades since starting in 1991. He was a copy chief replacing Arlene Bouras, who was a real legend, and had been copy editor since the beginning of Playboy 35 years prior.
He left the magazine in 2013 and became senior editor at Lapham's Quarterly in New York City.
Source :


(3 items)

Item number : 39606

Submitted by : Nathalie (5022)
on : 12/05/2021