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Global thing: Bloody Moon / The Saw Of Death (Die Säge Des Todes) (1981)

Videos (1)
created on: 15/03/2024
by: DOLF77 (33302)
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Movies properties

Displayed (non textual) :
Person : Olivia Pascal
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Displayed (written) info :
Movie Genre :
Gore & Splatter
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Series / Storyarcs :
Movie Type :
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Color & sound :
Originally released :
Language - Spoken :
German (Deutsch)
Rating :
ICAA (Spain) 18 - No Recomendada Menores 18 Años
MPAA (US) NR – Not Rated
Running time :
Movie credits (on artwork) :
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This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Actor : Antonia García
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Actor : Corinna Drews [Corinna Gillwald]
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Actor : Jasmin Losensky
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Actor : María Rubio
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Actor : Nadja Gerganoff
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Actor : Olivia Pascal
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Cinematography By : Juan Soler
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Directed By : Jesús Franco
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Music By : Gerhard Heinz
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A Production From : Lisa-Film
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A Production From : Plata Film
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A Production From : Rapid Film
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End credits (not on artwork) :
Art Director : Klaus Haase
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Costume Design By : Rolf Albrecht
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Editor : Christine Jank
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Editor : Karl Aulitzky
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Executive Producer : Otto Retzer [Otto W. Retzer]
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Producer : Wolf C. Hartwig
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Written By : Erich Tomek [Rayo Casablanca]
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Description (by producer & GT in English only) :
Miguel, a young man with a horribly disfigured face, goes on a rampage at a masquerade party and rapes a girl. He then brutally hacks up the young woman with a pair of scissors. Miguel is institutionalized at a mental asylum for five years. Afterward, he is released into the care of his sister, Manuela. Along with their wheelchair bound aunt, they operate a boarding school for young woman, called Europe's International Youth-Club Boarding School of Languages, on the Spanish resort of Costa Del Sol. Miguel is intrigued by Angela, a long-haired brunette, whom he first saw on the train ride from the sanitarium. The creepy Miguel follows her around. Miguel meets with Manuela to request that they resume their incestuous relationship. She reminds him that it was this relationship that made him emotionally unstable five years earlier. She says they cannot because nobody understands them: "Only if we could get rid of everyone, then things could go back to the way they were." Then Angela's friends are killed one by one. One, while topless, is skewered from behind by a 12-inch knife that exits her right nipple. Another is coerced by a romantic masked Spaniard who insists on tying her up in an abandoned lumber mill (which according to her is "kinky," but OK) and is decapitated quite nicely with a large power saw, complete with squirting blood from her neck. A young boy is run over mid-section by a Mercedes. Another friend is strangled by smoldering fireplace tongs. There is also the real decapitation of a snake. When the girls start to turn up missing, nobody believes Angela that there's a killer on the loose. She had seen the corpse of one girl, and it was gone as soon as she went for help. Confused and scared, Angela finally looks for help from the people who run the school.
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Item number : 62648

Submitted by : DOLF77 (33302)
on : 15/03/2024