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Thing: Kuti #43

created on: 11/01/2022
by: detum (11864)
Global thing :

Comics properties

Displayed :
- :
Displayed (written) info :
Leading character :
Comic type :
Comics Magazine / Serial Magazine
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Series / Storyarcs :
Language :
[Subtitles] English
Finnish (Suomi)
Year :
Issue number
Originally released :
Credits (Main Page):
Contributor : Heikki Rönkkö
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributor : Jelle Kindt
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributor : Karstein Volle
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributor : Katja Ronkanen
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributor : Katri Sipiläinen
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributor : Leena Romu
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributor : Leo Kuikka
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributor : Max Baitinger
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributor : Reijo Kärkkäinen
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributor : Valentine Gallardo
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Contributor : Zane Zlemeša
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Cover Art By : Pauliina Mäkelä
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Editor In Chief : Tuomas Tiainen
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Layout By : Heikki Rönkkö
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Printed & Bound By : Printall AS
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Editorial : Kutikuti
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Publisher : Kutikuti
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Credits (Other Pages):
Cover type :
Binding type :
Height (cm/inch) :
30 cm
11.81 inch
Width (cm/inch) :
19.7 cm
7.76 inch
Pages :
Notes :
© Artists
Print run: 6000 copies
Source :
Comments & Reviews :


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Item number : 48765

Submitted by : detum (11864)
on : 15/05/2022