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Endpoint: Lifestyle

created on: 15/10/2020
by: Lo55o (12474)
Editted on 15/10/2020 by 
Lo55o (12474)Show Version
General info : Lifestyle is the interests, opinions, behaviours, and behavioural orientations of an individual, group, or culture. A lifestyle magazine is a popular magazine concerned with lifestyle. It includes a number of men's magazines, women's magazines and magazines about health and fitness, tourism, leisure, fashion, decorating, or culture. The concept is chiefly used in reference to a magazine's tone. The term was introduced by Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler with the meaning of "a person's basic character as established early in childhood", as in his 1929 book, The Case of Miss R. The broader sense of lifestyle as a "way or style of living" has been documented since 1961. Lifestyle is a combination of determining intangible or tangible factors. Tangible factors relate specifically to demographic variables, i.e. an individual's demographic profile, whereas intangible factors concern the psychological aspects of an individual such as personal values, preferences, and outlooks. A rural environment has different lifestyles compared to an urban metropolis. Location is important even within an urban scope. The nature of the neighborhood in which a person resides affects the set of lifestyles available to that person due to differences between various neighborhoods' degrees of affluence and proximity to natural and cultural environments. For example, in areas near the sea, a surf culture or lifestyle can often be present. 
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Notes :  
Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifestyle_(sociology) (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifestyle_(sociology)) 
Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifestyle_magazine (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifestyle_magazine) 
Copied Wikipedia parts under license :Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) 
Editted on 15/10/2020 by 
Lo55o (12474)Show Version
Editted on 16/10/2020 by 
bob (9184)Show Version
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