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Endpoint: Imprimeries De Bobigny

created on: 1/03/2021
by: bob (9189)
Editted on 01/03/2021 by 
bob (9189)Show Version
General info : Imprimeries De Bobigny was the business name of a French printing company active in the 1960s. It printed magazines such as Femme Chic and the comic edition of Tintin Au Tibet (1962). In the early 70s it was merged into Imprimerie Crété who relocated the material to Corbeil. In 1973 Imprimerie Crété itself was merged into Chaix - Défossés - Néogravure, the leading printing business in France at that time. 
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Source : Femme Chic - Printemps Été 1968 (www.allzthings.com/ShowCollectoritem.aspx?thingnumber=38338) 
Source : https://www.catawiki.nl/l/12716385-tintin-t20-tintin-au-tibet-c-r-fran-aise-1962 (www.catawiki.nl/l/12716385-tintin-t20-tintin-au-tibet-c-r-fran-aise-1962) 
Source : https://www.lemonde.fr/archives/article/1973/06/18/le-regroupement-entrainera-des-licenciements_2552707_1819218.html (www.lemonde.fr/archives/article/1973/06/18/le-regroupement-entrainera-des-licenciements_2552707_1819218.html) 
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