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Endpoint: Imprimerie Maury

created on: 3/02/2025
by: bob (9706)

Brand properties

General info :
Imprimerie Maury is the business name used by Imprimerie Maury SAS, a French printing company located in Impasse des Ondes in Millau.
The company was founded in 1993.
The company is part of the Société Maury Holding SAS (founded in 1955).
Relations :
Business name of : Imprimerie Maury SAS
This endpoint is new to the database, please check he (it) is not in with a similar endpoint name association (and use the ENA function if necessary).
Source :


(3 items)

Item number : 67866

Submitted by : bob (9706)
on : 03/02/2025
Refined by : bob (9706)
Last updated on: 03/02/2025