General info :
Istituto Geografico De Agostini SpA is a sublevel susidiary of De Agostini SpA, a major Italian publishing group. Istituto Geografico De Agostini SpA was founded in 1971. The company is located in Novara, Italy. It is or was active in the film and music distribution and book editing. In 1901, the Italian geographer Giovanni De Agostini founded an institute in Rome that bears his name and whose aim is to popularize geography and cartography among the general public. After buying the shares of Angelo Cesare Rossi, his partner since 1919, Marco Boroli took control of the Institut De Agostini in 1946. Entering the Institute in 1938, his son, Achille Boroli (1913-2011) became its president in 1962. The holding De Agostini SpA is divided in 4 sub-holdings: De Agostini Editore SpA De Agostini Communications SRL International Game Technology PLC DeA Capital SpA Istituto Geografico De Agostini SpA is a subsidiary of the first (De Agostini Editore SpA).
Relations :
Parent company of
[- 1998 (merged in 1998)]
De Agostini Mailing SRL
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