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Endpoint: Kayser (Lingerie)

Videos (2)
created on: 17/04/2023
by: bob (9354)

Brand properties

General info :
Kayser was a brand name used by Julius Kayser & Co. Ltd., a company producing gloves, silk stockings and underwear.
It had a production facility in Frontenac, Canada, built in 1918 that closed doors in 1988.
Around 1935, approximately 1,200 employees, mostly women, worked there.
According to the employees, it is good to work at Kayser. The factory employed more than 1,000 workers during the Depression of the 1930s, while Dominion Textile in Sherbrooke must temporarily close its doors. During the Second World War, the Kayser wishes a happy new year to its employees at the front, in addition to offering them each a check for 25 dollars and cartons of cigarettes. In addition, the company organizes activities such as picnics and sets up sports leagues every year.

After the Second World War, the Julius Kayser factory is operating at full capacity. However, a few decades later, during the 1970s and 1980s, the company had to face up to the vagaries of globalization as well as competition from Asia. Production and the number of employees are then considerably reduced.
When the plant closed in 1988, 150 people were laid off.

Since the early 2000s, the former factory has been occupied by RĂ©sidences Soleil and the Sherbrooke Museum of Nature and Science.
Relations :
Founded by [1918] : Julius Kayser
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Brand name used by : Julius Kayser & Co. Ltd.
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Source :


(1 items)

Item number : 56069

Submitted by : bob (9354)
on : 17/04/2023