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Global thing: The Extraordinary Journey Of The Fakir Who Got Trapped In An Ikea Wardrobe (L'extraordinaire Voyage Du Fakir Qui Était Resté Coincé Dans une Armoire Ikéa) (Romain Puertolas) (2013)

created on: 31/03/2023
by: detum (11690)
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French (Français)
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First Published By : Éditions Le Dilettante
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The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir Who Got Trapped in an Ikea Wardrobe is Romain Puertolas' debut novel, published in French as L'extraordinaire voyage du fakir qui était resté coincé dans une armoire Ikéa on August 21, 2013 by Le Dilletante of Paris, France (ISBN 978-2842637767), and published in English (translated by Sam Taylor) on August 5, 2014 by Harvill Secker (hardcover, ISBN 978-1846558405) and by Random House Canada (paperback, ISBN 978-0345814173). In January 2015, this novel became available in the United States, published in English by Alfred A. Knopf of New York City (hardcover, ISBN 978-0385352956).

This novel tells the story of Ajatashatru Oghash Rathod, a 38-year-old fakir who tricks his local village in Rajasthan, India into believing he possesses special powers and into paying him to fly to Paris to buy a bed of nails from an IKEA store. There he meets a woman named Marie Riviere whom he initially swindles, but is quickly attracted to her personality. Rathod then experiences a series of wide-ranging adventures around the world, initially in an IKEA wardrobe, then a Louis Vuitton suitcase, and a hot air balloon to Tripoli, Libya, while being pursued by Parisian taxi-driver Gustave Palourde whom he swindled out of a cabfare back in Paris and who wants to stab him. Along the way he befriends a Sudanese man named Assefa, “pronounced I-suffer”, an illegal immigrant whom he meets in a vegetable lorry. The tone of this novel is comedic and humorous.

Puertolas wrote this novel during a period of approximately one month during 2013. He told The Daily Telegraph "I wanted to write a book about the problems of immigrants and how unlucky people are to be born somewhere like the Sudan where they are not allowed to go anywhere, even as a tourist, which is why I made Assefa and Ajatashatru meet."

This novel has sold over 100,000 copies in France. Foreign rights to this book have been sold in 30 countries, a record for its publisher, Le Dilettante.

On June 12, 2014, Puertolas received Le Grand Prix Jules-Verne for 2014 from the l'Académie littéraire de Bretagne et des Pays de la Loire, for writing this novel. The novel was also a finalist for the 2013 Prix Renaudot literary award. The English translation of this book has received numerous positive reviews, including from The Guardian, The Telegraph, the Toronto Star, and The Irish Times. This novel is dedicated to Puertolas's two children Leo and Eva, and his wife Patricia.

The film rights for this novel have been purchased, and work began on an English-language movie adaptation of this novel, with Puertolas contributing a script as the screenwriter. Brio Films and Vamonos Films are producers of the film, titled The Extraordinary Journey Of The Fakir. The film has Dhanush, a prominent actor from India, in the title role alongside actresses Bérénice Bejo and Erin Moriarty. The movie is directed by Ken Scott and was released on May 30, 2018.
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Item number : 55607

Submitted by : detum (11690)
on : 03/04/2023
Refined by : detum (11690)
Last updated on: 03/04/2023