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Endpoint: Terveet Kädet

created on: 27/09/2020
by: detum (11689)

Group properties

General info :
Terveet Kädet ("Healthy Hands") is a Finnish, Tornio-based hardcore punk band that was initially active from January 1980 to March 2016. They were the first Finnish hardcore punk band, and have had a major influence on bands from all over the world. The band's line-up has changed several times throughout the years, and the only permanent member has been the vocalist Veli-Matti "Läjä" Äijälä.

After the split-up in 2006 the members formed two new bands: Kürøishi and Lapin Helvetti. Terveet Kädet made a comeback in 2019, as the Lapin Helvetti line-up started to perform shows focusing on the Terveet Kädet material made in the 1980's.
Source :
ENA's T.K. | TK


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Printed t-shirts

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Item number : 33981

Submitted by : detum (11689)
on : 27/09/2020