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Endpoint: TEOSTO

created on: 5/08/2021
by: detum (11664)

Brand properties

General info :
Teosto is a brand or business name of Säveltäjäin Tekijänoikeustoimisto Teosto Ry, a non-profit performance rights organization that collects royalties on behalf of songwriters and composers in Finland. Teosto is a member of the Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Auteurs et Compositeurs (CISAC). It represents 29 000 Finnish, and nearly three million foreign composers, songwriters, arrangers and publishers. The organization's clients are 29,000 music-using companies and communities.

Teosto has 75 important people making decisions. Its CEO has been Katri Sipilä since 2001, and composer Kim Kuusi as chairman since 2011.

Teosto paid its clients 52.3 million euros in 2014 and with reimbursements from other organizations, Teosto's revenue grew up to 60.1 million euros. Part of that revenue are reimbursements from foreign sister-organizations for using Finnish music abroad, and reimbursements from the Danish Nordisk Copyright Bureau (NCB) for Finnish pieces as well as a lending compensation for music recordings and lending of music notes from libraries.
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Source :
Copied Wikipedia parts under license :


(57 items)

Item number : 42311

Submitted by : detum (11664)
on : 05/08/2021