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Endpoint: Michele Hutchison

created on: 31/05/2016
by: bob (9184)

Person properties

General info :
Michele Hutchison (born in the UK in 1972) lives in Amsterdam with her Dutch husband and two children.
She was educated at UEA, Cambridge, and Lyon universities and has worked in publishing for over a decade, specialising in literary translations into English, the editing of translations and English non-fiction and novels.
She worked for De Arbeiderspers for several years in this capacity and became a full-time freelancer in November 2012 after having failed the commute to Utrecht.
Michele is on the advisory board of the Dutch Literary Foundation (Letterenfonds).
In 1995 Michele graduated from the University of East Anglia where she earned a
BA Hons, Comparative Literature and French, First Class and in 1996 she studied European Literature at the University of Cambridge.
In 1998 she graduated from the Université Jean Moulin (Lyon III) where she earned a degree in Philosophy.
Source :


(5 items)

Item number : 9972

Submitted by : bob (9184)
on : 31/05/2016