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Endpoint: Harcourt, Inc.

created on: 26/04/2018
by: Lo55o (12478)

Company properties

General info :
Harcourt, Inc. was a United States publishing firm with a long history of publishing fiction and nonfiction for adults and children.
The company was last based in San Diego, California, with editorial/sales/marketing/rights offices in New York City and Orlando, Florida, and was known at different stages in its history as Harcourt Brace, & Co. and Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
From 1919 to 1982, it was based in New York City.

In 1999, Harcourt General divested its retail division and shortened the publishing division's name to Harcourt, Inc.

Houghton Mifflin acquired Harcourt in 2007. It incorporated the Harcourt name to form Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. As of 2012, all Harcourt books that have been re-released are under the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt name. The Harcourt Children's Books division left the name intact on all of its books under that name as part of HMH.

In 2007 the U.S. Schools Education and Trade Publishing parts of Harcourt Education were sold by Reed Elsevier to Houghton Mifflin Riverdeep Group. Harcourt Assessment and Harcourt Education International were acquired by Pearson, the international education and information company, in January 2008.
Source :
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(1 items)

Item number : 21312

Submitted by : Lo55o (12478)
on : 26/04/2018