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Endpoint: Françoise Gilot

created on: 5/11/2020
by: detum (11615)

Person properties

General info :
Marie Françoise Gilot (born 26 November 1921, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France) is a French painter, best known for her long, stormy relationship with Pablo Picasso, with whom she had two children. Gilot was already launched as an accomplished artist, notably in watercolours and ceramics, but her professional career was eclipsed by her social celebrity, and when she split from Picasso, he discouraged galleries from buying her work, as well as unsuccessfully trying to block her memoirs, Life with Picasso.
Relations :
Partner (not married) : Pablo Picasso
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Source :
Copied Wikipedia parts under license :


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Item number : 35784

Submitted by : detum (11615)
on : 05/11/2020