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Endpoint: Matheus Nachtergaele

created on: 23/10/2015
by: EvelienVL (1524)

Person properties

General info :
Matheus Nachtergaele (born 3 January 1969, São Paulo, Brazil) is a Brazilian actor and director. He has starred in numerous Brazilian films, being well known appearance in 1997 film Four Days in September and the 2002 film City of God. He has twice won the Best Actor award in the Grande Prêmio do Cinema Brasileiro, for his roles in Midnight (1998) in 2000 and O Auto da Compadecida (2000) in 2001. He also won the Best Actor award for Mango Yellow at XIII Cine Ceará in 2003. In 2008, he made his directorial debut with The Dead Girl's Feast.

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 2015)


(4 items)

Item number : 5209

Submitted by : EvelienVL (1524)
on : 23/10/2015