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Endpoint: Mary Vernieu

created on: 7/08/2018
by: Lo55o (12474)

Person properties

General info :
Mary Vernieu is a casting director residing in Hollywood.
Her casting credits exceed 200 titles, like The Wrestler, Black Swan and Robert Rodriguez' Spy Kids franchise and Sin City.
Her relationship with Oliver Stone spans the last decade and a half, beginning with Vernieu casting Nixon in 1995.

Other big films that Vernieu cast include, Freeway, All the Pretty Horses, Cruel Intentions, Requiem for a Dream, The Glass House, Training Day, Orange County, Scooby Doo, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, I Heart Huckabees, Barbershop, Dukes of Hazzard, World Trade Center, and many more.

She works closely with Betty Mae, Inc, a casting agency in Marina Del Rey, CA.

She is a member of The Casting Society of America.

In her “spare time,” she managed to open and successfully run Primitivo, a restaurant/wine bar in Los Angeles.
Source :
ENA's Mary Vernieu, CSA


(391 items)

Item number : 22670

Submitted by : Lo55o (12474)
on : 07/08/2018