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Endpoint: Tanny Onsalo

created on: 2/11/2022
by: Lo55o (12693)

Person properties

General info :
Tanny Onsalo (born in Venezuela) was named Global Content Manager at Vogue US in 2022.
Prior to Vogue she was Head of "The Smart Side of Fashion" & Global Fashion Content Strategist at Vestiaire Collective since 2020.
From 2018 to 2020 she was Creative Head at The Source in Paris.
Tanny served as Luxury Fashion Consultant for Louis Vuitton from 2017 to 2020.

In 2009 she earned a Bachelor's degree in Fashion/Apparel Design and Haute Couture at the Academia Doñame de "Diseño de Moda, Alta Costura y Confeccion", followed by a Master's degree in Fashion/Apparel Design and Accessory Design at
Esecav "Escuela Europea de Comunicación y artes visuales.
In 2016 she earned an additional Master's degree in Branding and Strategic Communication at Sciences Po in Paris.
Source :


(14 items)

Item number : 52679

Submitted by : Lo55o (12693)
on : 02/11/2022
Refined by : Lo55o (12693)
Last updated on: 02/11/2022