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Endpoint: Kym Barrett

created on: 14/09/2015
by: EvelienVL (1524)

Person properties

General info :
Kym Barrett is a costume designer of Hollywood films. She is a regular collaborator of The Wachowskis and was the costume designer of their films The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions, Speed Racer, Cloud Atlas and Jupiter Asending.

Kym Barrett started her career working in the theater for eight years before she began working in film. She has also designed costumes for Cirque du Soleil. Barrett designed freshly imagined period costumes for the Metropolitan Opera's production of The Tempest (2013). In September 2013, she stepped down from her role as costume designer for the opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia.

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 2015)


(46 items)

Item number : 4404

Submitted by : EvelienVL (1524)
on : 14/09/2015