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Endpoint: Clémence Mouline

created on: 17/11/2022
by: Lo55o (12471)

Person properties

General info :
Clémence Mouline was named Social Media Manager at Vogue France in 2022.
Before Vogue she held the same position on freelance basis at Gas Bijoux, By Marie, Payot, Le Visionnaire Paris, Ebelieve and others.
She was the PR and Community Manager at Gas Bijoux from 2015 to 2018.
Clémence Mouline graduated from the EFAP - École des nouveaux métiers de la communication in 2015 and obtained a Master's Degree in Digital Creation and Communication in 2016 at ISCOM.
She resides in Paris, Île-de-France, France.
Source :


(8 items)

Item number : 53088

Submitted by : Lo55o (12471)
on : 17/11/2022