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Endpoint: Plum Sykes

created on: 7/10/2014
by: Eva (5520)

Person properties

General info :
Victoria "Plum" Sykes (born 4 December 1969, London, England) is an English-born fashion journalist, novelist and socialite.
In 1993, Sykes became a fashion assistant at British Vogue.
In 1997, Sykes became a contributing editor on fashion for American Vogue.
In 2004 she wrote a novel "Bergdorf Blondes" and sold a quarter of a million copies worldwide.
A second novel, The Debutante Divorcée, was published in 2006. Sykes publicised it with an array of personal appearances at stores in New York (Chanel, Ralph Lauren, Frederic Fekkai, Ferragamo, Neiman Marcus and Oscar de la Renta). The Debutante Divorcée appeared in paperback in 2007.


(52 items)

Item number : 2504

Submitted by : Eva (5520)
on : 07/10/2014