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Endpoint: Dora Maar

created on: 12/07/2022
by: detum (11864)

Person properties

General info :
Henriette Theodora Markovitch (22 November 1907 Paris, France – 16 July 1997 Paris, France), known as Dora Maar, was a French photographer, painter, and poet. A romantic partner of Pablo Picasso, Maar was depicted in a number of Picasso's paintings, including his Portrait of Dora Maar and Dora Maar au Chat.
Relations :
Partner (not married) [1935-1943] : Pablo Picasso
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Source :
Copied Wikipedia parts under license :


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Item number : 50165

Submitted by : detum (11864)
on : 12/07/2022