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Endpoint: Paolo Bonacelli

created on: 21/09/2015
by: EvelienVL (1524)

Person properties

General info :
Paolo Bonacelli (born February 28, 1939, Rome, Italy) is an Italian actor.

He is best known for his performance as The Duke de Blangis in Pasolini's famous Salò, or the 120 Days of SodomSalò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975). He can also be seen in Midnight Express (1978) as the despised prison trustee Rifki and Caligula (1979), in which he plays the role of Cassius Chaerea.

He also co-starred with Roberto Benigni in the films Johnny Stecchino and Night on Earth, both from 1991.

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 2015)


(13 items)

Item number : 4612

Submitted by : EvelienVL (1524)
on : 21/09/2015