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Endpoint: Othilie Bailly

created on: 15/01/2018
by: Lo55o (12474)

Person properties

General info :
Othilie Bailly (died 31 July 2003, France) was a French writer, journalist and psychologist.
Othilie Bailly was inspired by her profession as a psychologist to write several novels, often dedicated to the painful quest of child abuse.
She is the author of several bestsellers that have been translated for other European countries and the United States.
Othilie Bailly died in 2003. Her latest novel published by Éditions Du Rocher, Un Crime Ne S'oublie Jamais, was released in June of the same year.
Other work includes:
L'Enfant Dans Le Placard (1989)
L'Enfant Qui Se Laissait Mourir (1992)
L'Enfant Sacrifié (1994)
Source :


(2 items)

Item number : 19870

Submitted by : Lo55o (12474)
on : 15/01/2018