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Thing For Sale: Vogue Paris - Septembre 2021

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Year (MM / (DD) /YYYY)Issue numberLanguage
08/20211020French (Français)
Price : 5,90 EUR
Condition thing : Near Mint
Condition packaging : Very Good +
Comments :
Seller: Lo55o (12691)
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Payments instructions by seller :
Shipping info by seller : Europe + USA:
* Up to 2 kg: 19.90 EUR (comes in sturdy cardboard) (+ 5.43 EUR if you want it registered (mandatory for all items above 25 EUR))

Mondial Relay is also possible at much cheaper rates.

Japan + Australia + Rest Of The World:
Up to 2 kg = 27,90 EUR (+ 5.43 EUR if you want it registered (mandatory for all items above 25 EUR))

BELGIUM: Up to 2 kg = 7,90 EUR
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