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Global thing: Timo K. Mukka - Legenda Jo Eläessään (Erno Paasilinna) (1974)

created on: 16/09/2020
by: detum (11641)
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Books properties

Displayed (non textual) :
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Language :
Finnish (Suomi)
Originally released :
Tags :
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Non Fiction
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Series / Storyarcs :
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Credits (Main Page):
Author : Erno Paasilinna
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Book's Main Subject : Timo K. Mukka
This endpoint is approved in the database from previous submissions.
Notes :
Timo K. Mukka - Legenda Jo Eläessään is a biography book about the author Timo K. Mukka.
Source :
Copied Wikipedia parts under license :
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Item number : 32963

Submitted by : detum (11641)
on : 17/09/2020