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Endpoint: Madeline Harper Fass

created on: 27/11/2019
by: Lo55o (12462)

Person properties

General info :
Madeline Harper Fass was named Associate Market Editor at American Vogue in 2017 after serving as an assistant for Vogue and Teen Vogue since 2015.
Madeline "Maddy" is a 2015 graduate from The Pennsylvania State University. There she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the School of Arts and Architecture in Integrative Arts, while also tacking on an Entrepreneurship minor from the College of Engineering.
In 2014 she also studied Fashion, Design at the NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano) in Italy.
She is currently based in the New York, USA.
Source :


(29 items)

Item number : 28941

Submitted by : Lo55o (12462)
on : 27/11/2019